
Antlia 4.5nm Narrowband Oxygen III (OIII) EDGE Filter – 2” Mounted Online Hot Sale

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Antlia 4.5nm Narrowband Oxygen III (OIII) EDGE Filter – 2” Mounted

Antlia OIII EDGE narrowband filter optimizes the FWHM (full width half maximum) to 4.5nm bandpass. The suppression of optical density (OD)5 on unwanted wavelengths and the excellent transmittance characteristics found in the Antlia 3nm Pro series has been incorporated into the 4.5nm EDGE narrowband filters. The result is that these filters deliver superior SNR(signal to noise ratio) and better contrast in your images. Antlia OIII 4.5nm EDGE filters are designed to deliver 85% transmission at the 500.7nm line that provides you with the maximum signal to reveal the faintest OIII nebulae structures.

Conventional broader narrowband filters cause a heavy loss in transmission due to the strong Center Wavelength (CWL)-shift. We guarantee T>85% within 1nm range of the center bandwidth, which means that the OIII 4.5nm EDGE narrowband filters can guarantee high transmittance for working with both long focal ratios and fast optical systems. Blue-shift data shows that Antlia 4.5nm EDGE filters can be used with nearly all systems as fast as f/3 with minimal loss in emission signal and meets the requirements of fast optics.

Application and Performance:

High transmittance and narrow bandwidth to maximize contrast

Steep spectral profile minimizes halos around bright stars

A single substrate to eliminate internal reflections

Narrowband Objects: OIII Emission Nebulae, Planetary, Wolf Rayet Nebulae and Supernova Remnants

Use in light polluted areas and dark sites Extends imaging time when the moon is up

Antlia narrowband EDGE filters can be used down to f/3 systems with minimal loss of signal

All Antlia unmounted filters are edge blackened to eliminate internal reflections from stray light Superior optical reliability reduces post image processing

This filter is only effective for deep sky objects that contain OIII emissions

Technical Specifications:

Basic Substrate: Optical, Single / Non-glued substrate

Filter Thickness: 2mm+/-0.05mm for 2”

FWHM (Full width at half maximum): 4.5nm

CWL (Central Wavelength): 500.7nm

Peak Transmission: >85% Blocking: > 5 OD(0.001% out of band blocking) @ 300-1000nm

Surface Quality: S/D (scratch/dig)= 60/40 (Refer to MIL-O-13830)

Transmitted Wavefront: Lambda/4 or better. Parallelism: less than 30 arcsec

Warranty: 3-years against delamination

Antlia 4.5nm Narrowband Oxygen III (OIII) EDGE Filter - 2'' Mounted

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